A sorpresa, un'ulteriore conferma

della presenza di falsificazioni nei media


Ci arriva a sorpresa una piena conferma alle tesi espresse nel precedente Consenso N. 57, e nell'Appendice II al punto D/1 della pagina ATTUALITA', e quindi volentieri la pubblichiamo. Diciamo a sorpresa, perche' in effetti stupisce non poco veder provenire lamentele proprio dalla parte che e' comunemente ritenuta in grado (per la sua potenza economica, ma non solo) di condizionare molto piu' di altre il mondo dell'informazione...

(UB. agosto 2001)


Subject: Is Your TV News Lying?

Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 21:15:21 -0400 (EDT)

From: admin@americancoalition.org

To: bartocci@dipmat.unipg.it

What every American who watches or reads the news needs to know!


Do you believe-like millions of other Americans that if its in print in your newspaper, it must be true? That TV News can't lie? That the broadcasters on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS are objective and truthful? - If so, your faith in media journalism will be jolted by NBC in Lebanon: A Study of Media Misrepresentation, the sensational, but factual, 57 minute TV documentary, written and directed by Peter Emanuel Goldman and produced by Americans for a Safe Israel. NBC in Lebanon was first shown in 1983 and became a sensation, because it proved beyond a doubt that NBC deliberately distorted the news and became an advocate for the PLO against Israel. The documentary proved that the media falsifies and deliberately manipulates the news. This video has become the classic example of media manipulation. It focused on NBC, but all the networks and most of the print media were guilty of the same biases and misrepresentations.

NBC devoted nearly 600 minutes to its coverage of the 1982 war in Lebanon. Less than 30 minutes of this was given to the Israeli viewpoint or to a factual background of the war. About 570 minutes were presented from the PLO/Arab viewpoint, a ratio of 19-1. Nor did NBC reveal to its viewers the background of the war –- the persecution of the Lebanese population by the PLO, the deadly terrorist attacks on Israel, the massive stockpiling of weapons by the PLO in Lebanon, the use of hospitals and schools as weapons depots and fighting positions, the use of Lebanon as a base for terrorist camps and much more. NBC simply became an advocate for the PLO.

NBC was only marginally worse than the other networks. ABC, CBS and PBS were all guilty of bias and advocacy journalism. In a democracy, where opinions and actions are formed based on the information presented, abuse of the airways can be very dangerous. Unfortunately, the media today is doing exactly what it did in 1982, falsifying the news about Israel and the Arab-Israel conflict. "NBC in Lebanon" is, thus, as relevant today as it was 18 years ago. If you are a student of media or communications, this video is a must. But it should be required for everyone who watches or reads the news and wants to understand media bias. And if the media can do this with Israel, why can it not do the same thing with respect to China, Europe, Social Security, religion, the Church, sexuality, abortion, politics, radical Islam, Africa, the Balkans, Latin America, the Left, the Right, conservatives, liberals, etc? It can and it does. Media bias against Israel has many causes, including:

* The tremendous power of Arab oil and money, which effects most corporations, and advertisers

* Intimidation and terror. During the war in Lebanon, a dozen foreign journalists were killed by the PLO for not reporting the news the way the organization wanted. In the TV documentary, we have a clip taken with a secret camera of a PLO operative warning and threatening the journalists. Today journalists are also being threatened by the PLO and the Palestinian Authority. Yet the media did not and does not inform its readers and viewers about the murders and the intimidation.

* Left wing bias of most journalists. After the Six-Day War, Palestinian terrorist organizations became the darlings of the Left. Most journalists (though not all) are advocates for their cause and slant the news to fit their pre-conceived views.

* Anti-Semitism.

* The influence of Arab oil and money on governments.

* Left- wing and self-hating Jews in the journalist profession.

* Lack of any coherent information campaign by the Israeli government

* Threats to editors and publishers by radical Islamic groups, forcing a sort of self-censorship

* The pack mentality of journalists in the major media, who tend to report the news all in the same way.

* Dislike of Judeo-Christian religious values amongst liberal/left journalists.

NBC in Lebanon is the classic example of media bias. After you have seen this video you will know, without any room for doubt, that the media lies, distorts and falsifies. You will know that the media often practices advocacy journalism, with little regard for the truth.

This is a powerful, disturbing and shocking video. The research and solid factual basis of the documentary were so compelling that the print media had to acknowledge it. This is what the print media had to say about "NBC in Lebanon:" Congress Monthly: " A conscientious and utterly damning indictment of the network's coverage of the war in Lebanon last year The effect is overwhelming and persuasive - Cynthia Grenier , Congress Monthly, Sept-Oct. 1983

The New York Times:

"NBC in Lebanon...raises significant questions about television journalism. It attempts to prove, and to a large extent does prove, that coverage by the NBC Nightly News of the Israeli invasion in the summer of 1982 is faulty ... The documentary, judiciously using NBC's own film, suggests that NBC was indeed taking sides and pressing the viewpoint of the PLO. 'NBC in Lebanon'...is disquieting for people who watch the evening news." - John Corry, The New York Times, Feb 18,1984

Christian Science Monitor:

"The documentary provides...film clips from actual NBC broadcasts that time and time again seem to show that NBC slanted its coverage... The accusations appear too grave to be ignored." - Christian Science Monitor, July 1.1983

National Public Radio:

"Peter Goldman's film... is one more element of pressure on the networks that could force changes." - National Public Radio, July 1, 1983

The Jewish Week, New York:

"A one-hour video program that documents serious errors and anti-Israel bias in NBC's television coverage of the war in Lebanon... The show revealed that NBC...never informed its viewers that reporters were not free to tell the truth because of the PLO's reign of terror against journalists it could not control. A dozen foreign and Lebanese journalists who opposed the PLO were killed during the years immediately preceding the Israeli campaign. " - The Jewish Week. New York July 8.1983

Hadassah Magazine:

"Your faith in media journalism will be jolted by NBC in Lebanon: A Study of Media Misrepresentation written and directed by Peter Emanuel Goldman...Methodically, the film piles up evidence of deliberate manipulation of the news and demolishes the myth of TV accuracy." - Hannah Grad Goodman, Hadassah Magazine, Aug. 1983

If you have any interest in the news, or if you wish to learn how the news media is manipulating you, then you must purchase "NBC in Lebanon". We guarantee that you will be stunned as you begin to understand how the Peter Jennings, the Tom Brokaws and the John Chancellors of the airways as well as the news agencies, daily newspapers and weekly newsmagazines like TIME, misrepresent, carefully select, censor, and falsify the news. They did it in the 1980's. They are still doing it today.

How to Order:

Order your copy now for only $19.95 plus $5.00 shipping and handling.

Total cost $24.95. Available in VHS only.

Your check or money order should be made payable to:

"American Coalition for Israel."

Send your check or money order to:

American Coalition for Israel

2221 N.E. 164th St.

Suite 333

North Miami Beach, FL 33160

e-mail: info@americancoalition.org

Allow two weeks (money order) or three weeks (personal check) for delivery. Please include your address, phone number and/or email address If you are interested in learning more about media bias, click on to our website www.americancoalition.org and then click "Media Bias." (Our website will be posted on or about August 6)

Other excellent websites about media bias include www.camera.net and www.honestreporting.com

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