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Subject: !pc-facile Tutti i segreti di Internet 29/12/01
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 04:36:45 -0600
From: webmaster@pc-facile.com
Gli Stati Uniti hanno imposto una sanzione di 75 milioni dollari all'Ucraina come compensazione per gli atti di pirateria musicale e informatica. Considerando che l'Ucraina non può pagare la sanzione in dollari questa è stata trasformata in "l'equivalente in metalli preziosi e calzature".
Io posso essere d'accordo che la pirateria digitale è un danno per che si vuole guadagnare da vivere con le nuove tecnologie, ma chi credete pagherà questa multa? Gli hacker? E poi perché gli USA si sentono in diritto di multare un altro paese? [e si potrebbe aggiungere: debbono pagare come al solito anche gli "innocenti", in questo caso per fortuna soltanto con le tasse, e non con la vita, per l'unica ragione che appartengono allo stesso paese-popolo dei "colpevoli"?!]
Friday December 21 12:11 AM ET
U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Ukraine in CD Piracy Row
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on $75 million worth of metals, footwear and other goods from Ukraine in retaliation for piracy of music compact discs and other optical media products in that country.
The action, which takes effect Jan. 23, follows repeated U.S. warnings over the past two years that Ukraine could face sanctions unless it cracked down on the illegal copying.
``The United States is moving forcefully to protect its rights,'' U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick said in a statement. ``We hope Ukraine will now redouble its efforts to deal with intellectual property rights and pass the legislation needed to allow us to lift sanctions.''
The U.S. Trade Representative's office said the $75 million in sanctions was equal to its estimate of the amount of U.S. industry losses caused each year by the piracy.
Zoellick also warned Ukraine would find it difficult to become a member of the World Trade Organization (news - web sites) unless it addresses the issue.
``Without adequate intellectual property rights legislation, it is difficult to see how Ukraine can address either America's concerns or WTO rules,'' Zoellick said.
Ukraine has hoped to join the WTO by the end of 2002.
In recent months, legislation to require all Ukrainian CD producers to secure a production license has been moving through the Ukrainian legislature.
But the U.S. Trade Representative's office said Ukrainian piracy of sound recordings, movie DVDs and computer CD-ROMs has continued unabated.