54 theses for reconstructing Earth and human history
during the catastrophic period 9500 to 700 BC

(Emilio Spedicato)



This short document presents in a synthetic way the results of more than 20 years of investigation by a physicist and mathematician into the evolution of solar system and mankind in the critical period of circa 9500 BC to 700 BC. This is the period from the end of the last glaciation and of the Atlantis civilization, if Plato is to be taken literally, until the last catastrophic events of which the destruction of Sennacherib army near Jerusalem was a special case. This work is based and extends work by Immanuel Velikovsky, Alfred De Grazia, John Ackerman and others. It is expected that a monograph of substantial size will be produced in future with full discussion and motivation of the theses here given.

The number with % given at the end of each statement provides a personal (i.e. a Bayesian) estimate of the degree of probability that the given statement is true.

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1 - Most stars in our galaxy possess a planetary system; a significant part of the planetary systems possess planets in the habitable zone (100%)

2 - A significant fraction of the planets in the habitable zone are endowed with life of the multicellular type (99%)

3 - There are several planets in the galaxy where intelligent life exists; some of such planets lie within a few hundred light years from the solar system (70%)

4 - It is likely that among planets with intelligent life civilizations exist at a level higher than on Earth (99%)

5 - A civilization at a higher level than on Earth should have achieved the following results (100%):

- a detailed knowledge of the galaxy

- capacity of interstellar travel

- a detailed knowledge of DNA and ability of manipulating it

- better properties of the physical body, including a higher span of life (possibly more than 1000 years)

6 - There are significant indications in worldwide traditions that intelligent people from planets within a few hundred light years from Earth visited our planet and intelligently interacted with its biosphere (90%)

7 - If the solar system would undergo unusual planetary events, observers are expected to arrive from nearby planets with intelligent life (99%)

8 - In the period circa 9500 to 700 BC planet Earth has been involved in a sequence of catastrophic events, the consequence of a rare planetary event, namely the impact of a large body over Jupiter, resulting not only in significant changes in the inner structure of the solar system but leading to the last important leap in human civilization (90%)

9 - Before circa 9500 BC planets Mercury and Venus did not exist. Mars was probably in the habitable zone, with atmosphere, water and forms of life (70%)

10 - Circa 9500 BC the Earth axis was differently oriented, with respect to Earth crust and possibly to the stars. The geographic north pole was located in the Hudson Bay, with ice distribution in the north hemisphere different than now. The axis was probably closer to the normal to the ecliptic plane than now, implying weaker seasonal changes (54%)

11- Around 9500 BC the "Atlantis" civilization was flourishing, the Atlantis main city being located in the present island of Hispaniola (70%)

12- Around 9500 BC a massive body, here called Pachamacac or body P, possibly somewhat larger than Earth, entered the inner solar system, either from galactic space in a hyperbolic orbit or from the outer solar system (possibly being a fragment of the planet that according to Van Flandern exploded circa 3.2 million years ago) in a strongly elliptical orbit (54%)

13 - Body P passed close to Earth with catastrophic effects. This was the first of the three great catastrophes referred to by Plato (54%)

14 - The torque due to the close passage relocated the north pole from the Hudson Bay to near the present position (54%)

15 - Earth was affected by huge earthquakes and tsunamis (54%)

16 - The body passed probably over south America, coming from east, generating the Bolivian bulge and significantly increasing the elevation of the Andes. South America moved somewhat westwards, leading to the fissuring of the south Atlantic where now a great chain of volcanoes exists. The bottom of the Pacific broke in many places leading to the pouring out of huge amounts of magma (54%)

17- Huge amount of vapour arose from the Pacific ocean, leading to extremely intense rains and substantial increase of the air temperature worldwide at the low and middle latitudes. Much of the pre-existing ice layer quickly melted, while ice reformed at the new poles due to the large amount of snow falling at the high latitudes (54%)

18 - Earthquakes and tsunamis destroyed most of the structures of the Atlantis civilization. Increase of water level covered ruins of cities near the original coastline (99%)

19 - The huge increase of air temperature, possibly up to 70° at sea level and low latitudes, destroyed much of the animal life, especially in South America, which lost all big animals, and most of human kind (90%)

20 - Humans survived in isolated areas, mostly on high mountain ranges where temperatures remained at tolerable levels; this explains why the highest genetic and language variability is found on certain high mountain ranges (90%)

21 - Mountain ranges where man survived include New Guinea, Ethiopia, Caucasus, Alps (particularly Val Camonica), and Asian mountain ranges as Pamir, Tien Shan, Nan Shan, Karakoram, Hindukush and Himalaya (70%)

22 - Last and most lasting effect of the passage of body P was the loss of its satellite, captured by Earth to become present Moon; only a few dozen years were needed to circularize Moon’s orbit (90%)

23 - The period from circa 9500 to 7500 BC saw a slow repopulation of large parts of Earth by people who had survived on the high mountain ranges (90%)

24 - Around 7500 BC body P impacted Jupiter, resulting in the several phenomena that have been the subject of the monograph Chaos and Firmament of J. Ackerman (90%)

25 - A first effect was the explosive emission of a large amount of bodies from the impact region on Jupiter, some of which reached Earth almost at the same time, an event whose geological evidence has been provided by A. Tollman (seven impacts on continents and oceans) and more recently by S. Harris. Intensive fall of bodies in the following several centuries led man to live in caves and to build subterranean cities (e.g. in Anatolia). Intensive electric discharges led to peculiar optical phenomena (Peratt figures) and to the decay of most of the radiocarbon, implying that radiocarbon dating of that period needs substantial corrections (90%)

26 - A second effect was the birth of planet proto Venus and the displacement by the close passage of Venus of Mars to an orbit that led it to a peculiar close interaction with Earth. The first proto Venus - Mars interaction may be dated at circa 5500 BC (90%)

27 - The described sequence of rare events in celestial mechanics attracted the attention of the inhabitants of some planets with advanced civilization in the solar neighborhood (from the region of Sirius and Orion). They sent observers to the solar system and particularly to Mars and Earth (90%)

28 - Around 5500 BC a group of "visitors" descended in the Hunza valley of present Pakistan, which can be identified with the Garden of Eden of Genesis and the Kharsag of Sumerian texts. The date of arrival is related to the first year of the Ethiopian calendar, i.e. 5500 BC (90%)

29 - The group decided to "create" modern man, endowed by "a spirit that lives beyond death", by an operation, described in the Sumerian texts and partly in Genesis, that may be interpreted as genetic engineering using genetic material from pre-existing humans (females) and from one of the visitors, a male (90%)

30 - The process led to the "creation" of seven couples, possibly using ova from women from different regions of the Earth (90%)

31 - A problem arose with one of the couples, the woman being lost and replaced by a different technique (quasi-cloning of the male). Thus the special couple of Adam and Eve came to exist (notice traditions referring to a previous wife of Adam, named Lilith) (70%)

32 - Problems arose between the new couple and the others, leading to the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden. Adam left Hunza valley by present Khunjerab pass, moved westwards following the Gihon river (present Pandji) and set at the end of the mountains in the Turanian plane (possibly near the ancient city of Amol), then largely covered by a huge inner sea, the Amu Darya (sea of Adam). He then travelled widely, founding cult centers in Al Quds (Jerusalem) and Meccah. He made Seth the first of the order of Melkisedek priests, charged with preserving the memories of the ancient events (70%)

33 - Descendants of Cain settled in the Mongolian region of Central Asia, characterized at that time by a great inner sea of sweet water filling the Takla Makan and the Lop Nor basin. This area was also settled, mainly in the southern part near the Kunlun, by descendents of the six couples created in Kharsag. Cities were built and metal technology developed. This led to the establishment of a local high civilization whose memory survived after the Flood in southern India and Birmania as the civilization of Mu (70%)

34 - Around 4400 BC Mars was captured in a geostationary orbit over Mount Kailas (region of the Himalaya and Tibetan plateau). Interaction of Martian and terrestrial atmosphere led Martian viruses and microbes enter the terrestrial atmosphere. Since there was no immunity against many of these agents, a huge epidemics affected terrestrial life, including mankind, as referred in the Sumerian sources (70%)

35 - The period from circa 4400 to 3200 BC was most dramatic for mankind, due to the catastrophic events (earthquakes, flooding, electrical discharges) that followed the periodical capture of Mars over Mount Kailas, every 27 years. The events observed on the relatively close face of Mars explain much of the ancient mythology and religious traditions (90%)

36 - The above period was also a period of violence between humans. Some of the visitors, the Biblical Nephilim, generated "giants" and "monsters" from human females, with whom they copulated, being genetically enough similar to produce children (90%)

37 - Tidal forces from the Earth fissured Mars leading to the emergence of its nucleus. The alien visitors could easily forecast that the nucleus would finally escape resulting in a catastrophic Flood on Earth. Therefore they invited a number of wise men (Noah, Ziusudra, Manu…) to take suitable measures to survive the coming event (70%)

38 - A group of men left the Punjab area to Egypt by boats built in wood of Cedrus Deodara. In Egypt they build structures that would resist the Flood: the Sphinx, a monument to one of the seven original women, and the three Giza pyramids (in memory of Mounts Kailas, Rakaposhi and Hunza Kunji, the three Mounts Meru on Earth; the celestial mount Meru was on Mars, and also corresponds to the pillar of Osiris and to the four headed Brahma). Most likely they hid documents in the pyramids and took refuge inside them during the days of the Flood (90%)

39 - Two wise men, Noah in eastern Anatolia, Ziusudra in north-east Tibet, built large boats able to survive high winds and extremely heavy rain; Manu, the Mannu of Germanic traditions as reported by Tacitus, survived in caves in Montisola, in the middle of Lake Iseo, at the end of Valcamonica in the Italian Alps (99%)

40 - The Flood arrived circa 3200 BC - possibly in the year 3171 BC, 590 years after the first year of the so called Jewish calendar, corresponding to the year Noah was nominated to the order of Melkisedek - when its nucleus left Mars, passing between Mars and Earth. It became planet Mercury. It set, with Mars and Venus, in the present orbit probably in the seventh century BC, when a four body event took place involving Earth, Venus, Mars and Mercury (90%)

41 - The Flood was characterized by the arrival of water "from the sky", namely the water of the oceans of Mars "stolen" by the leaving nucleus, Ermes the thief, and from the Earth oceans, which fractured with the emission of large amount of magma, albeit at a level much less than during the Atlantis event. The event happened in October, with probable inversion of the axis. Oceans rose by several meters, polar ice increased (90%)

42 - Man survived in different places of the world, but pre-existing civilizations, especially in Central Asia, Middle East and Northern Africa, were devastated. The offsprings of the Nephilim, centered in the Baalbek region, were wiped out (99%)

43 - Organized forms of civilization restarted after about two generations, signalled by the starting year of the Mayan calendar (circa 3112 BC) and of the Kali Yuga calendar (circa 3102 BC) (99%)

44 - First "human" dynasty of Egypt started with Menes circa 2800 BC, after about 350 years of chaos referred to by Manetho. The pharaohs descend from the Akeru/Followers of Horus who arrived from the Punjab area circa 3500 BC


45 - First Sumerian city-states started around 2800 BC, founded by "black head" people arriving from Dilmun, in Central Asia, probably via some branches of the future southern silk road (90%)

46 - Other civilizations developed in Vallindia (Indus valley), China, Japan, Bactriana/Margiana, Anatolia, Northern Europe, coastal Peru…. (99%)

47 - From the time of the Flood, circa 3200 BC, to the time of the last catastrophe, circa 700 BC, Mars continued to affect Earth albeit at a level of intensity well below that of the "Vedic period". Mars now had close passages every 54 years, on a given longitude alternatively by day and night, and alternating between the equinox days. Hence Mars approached Earth closely every 108 years by day or by night. Closest distance passage depended on the relative positions of the other planets, mainly of Jupiter and Saturn. Earthquakes, tsunamis and electrical discharges were the main effects of the close passages. Those were preferred times for wars and changes of dynasties. Planetary astrology flourished. Evidence for these events is mainly in the works of Patten (70%)

48 - Circa 2150 BC a particularly strong close passage terminated the Egyptian Ancient Kingdom and the empire founded by Sargon the Great. There were worldwide large migrations (90%)

49 - Circa 2050 BC (date from Moses of Korene) Abraham left Ur of the Chaldaeans, in the upper Euphrates region (possibly present Ur Kasdim). After meeting the current priest of the Melkisedek order in Al Quds, and the episodes of the interrupted sacrifices of Isaac and Ismael, he reached the "land of honey and milk", between Meccah and Yemen, present Asir. See Kamal Salibi for evidence of present Asir being the place where Abraham settled (70%)

50 - Circa 1629 BC a worldwide climatic crisis took place. This is the time of Joseph, son of Jacob, minister of Amenhemet III, who built the still existing Yusuf canal to create a reservoir in the Fayoum depression. At the time of the food crisis he was reached by his brothers, who settled in the eastern Delta region, leaving Asir (90%)

51 - Around 1447 BC another strong catastrophic episode affected Earth, probably due to the capture in an initially stationary orbit of an asteroidal/cometary body or a satellite of Venus (the pillar of fire and smoke in Exodus, the Phaeton quoted by Orosius). The body finally disintegrated and crashed in several places in the north Atlantic region, between the Eider (Eridanus) river and the Carolinas (forming the Carolinas bays). Tsunamis (retreat followed by return of the waters) swept the Atlantic, devastating the regions of the north-western European megalithic civilization. They moved around the world oceans, being enhanced in their height when entering narrow water expanses. Great migrations occurred worldwide, including Greeks from the Baltic to Black Sea, Aegean and even Gandara, Aryans from Russia/Western Siberia to Iran/India, the Amu/Amalecites/Hyksos from Turan to Egypt (99%)

52 - The retreat of waters allowed the escape of Moses people, blocked between the sea and impassable mountains along the coasts of the Red Sea. The return of the waters destroyed the Egyptian army in pursuit. Moses was going to Asir by an unusual way to avoid the oncoming army of the Amu/Amalecites/Hyksos, of whose arrival he had been informed by the family of his first wife from Kush (living in present Hindukush region). The entrance into the "land of honey and milk" via the difficult passage of the high Jordan escarpment protecting it will be implemented by Joshua. Moses returned to die to the land of his first wife, his grave being now about 150 km from Srinagar. Expulsion of the Hyksos took place by Saul and a pharaoh from Ethiopia around the year 1000 BC. This led to the formation of a great empire of the Hebrews from Syria to Yemen and to the 80 years of the kingdom of Solomon (90%)

53 - The 9th century BC was dominated by the expansion of the Assyrian power, after the collapse of the empire of Solomon and of the Egyptian empire at the time of Akhenaton (circa 840 BC). Due to the harsh policy of the Assyrians versus the conquered people, a number of rich and knowledgeable people migrated over sea from the Middle East to escape the Assyrian grab:

- from Phoenician town, colonies were founded in western Mediterranean and beyond

- probably from the Hurrian city of Tursa, attacked by the Assyrians at the time of Akhenaton, the Etruscans (Tursenoi, Tursikenoi) moved to Italy

The war of Troy started around 809 BC without the opposition of the Assyrian queen Semiramis/Sammuramat, the daughter of a Greek man (Orpheus?). The Iliad and the Odyssey were composed at that time by Homer, using material from ancient events describing a similar war before their migration from the Baltic region, when a coalition of people from present Sweden and Denmark fought against the city of Troy, now Toja in Finland, as convincingly argued by Felice Vinci (90%)

54 - In 722 BC Sargon II deported the 10 tribes of Israel to Kabulistan (land of Gozan, Habor, Halah). In 702 Sennacherib army having Jerusalem under siege was destroyed in a peculiar event probably related to electromagnetic discharge during the last close passage of Mars, Venus and Mercury, the four body event that led to circularization of the orbits of these three planets. The era of planetary catastrophism ended. The alien visitors stopped their visible interaction with men. The religious and ideological scenario changed worldwide, being substituted by the ideas of Zoroaster, Buddha, Laotse, Confucius, Thales… (99%).

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[Una presentazione dell'autore si trova nel numero 1 di Episteme.]

University of Bergamo, Department of Mathematics
