Call for papers for a book of essays

The Editors of a proposed book on classical electrodynamics to be published by Rinton Press, Inc. (USA) invite submission of papers.

The name of the compilation will be

Has the last word been said on classical electrodynamics?
(Classical electrodynamics: new horizons)


All papers to be submitted by e-mail

to dr. Andrew E. Chubykalo (preferable)

or to Dr. Vladimir Onoochin

or to Dr. Roman Smirnov-Rueda

or to Dr. Augusto Espinoza

in LaTeX, LaTeX-
"\documentstyle" format is preferable (i.e. not "\documentclass"!).

Figures for papers should be presented in eps-format (encapsulated postscript format). Page size should not be more than 22.86 x 15.24 cm . Papers should be approximately 15 pages in length and must not exceed 20 pages (except special cases agreed with the Editors).

All received papers will be evaluated by independent referees.

Deadline is 1st of June, 2003

After publication of the book all contributors receive two printouts of their contributions.


    In the last decade, it is observed an emergence of revived interests towards classical electrodynamics. While the conventional Maxwell's theory remains one of the few corner-stones of modern physics and cradle of Einstein's relativity, an throughout study on it may lead us to a better and deeper understanding on electromagnetism which has a nearly two century history and may bring us nice surprises. In spite of all its visible successes, there are still reasons to believe that either Maxwell's equations or the conceptual background of electromagnetism needs to be modified.

    There are also attempts in these directions. R. Feynman was one of these who had some doubts on the completeness of classical electrodynamics, and he once commented: "… this tremendous edifice (classical electrodynamics), which is such a beautiful success in explaining so many phenomena, ultimately falls on its face. When you follow any of our physics too far, you find that it always gets into some kind of trouble. …the failure of the classical electromagnetic theory. Classical mechanics is a mathematically consistent theory; it just doesn't agree with experience. It is interesting, though, that the classical theory of electromagnetism is unsatisfactory theory all by itself. There are difficulties associated with the ideas of Maxwell's theory which are not solved by and not directly associated with quantum mechanics…".

    Many unresolved and forbidden problems of classical electrodynamics seem to be more serious in view of frustrated intentions to make fully compatible Einstein's relativity (based mainly on Maxwell's equations) with quantum mechanics. According to Bohm, this significant incommensurability has to lead to discover an entirely new order to physics at a fundamental level with all its implications for classical theory. It will be helpful if there is a forum where arguments of both for and against modification of standard Maxwell's approach are presented, and thus, an objective discussion of all possible alternative views logically sound and based on a rigorous mathematical ground is conducted.

    This review volume as entitled above will provide such a forum. The editors would call scientists who are actively working in electromagnetic theory to send in your review or research papers on classical electrodynamics, especially these on unsolved and annoying problems.

The Editors:

Dr. Andrew E. Chubykalo (Mexico)

Dr. Augusto Espinoza (Mexico)

Dr. Vladimir Onoochin (Russia)

Dr. Roman Smirnov-Rueda (Spain)