Über die absolute Grösse der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie.
Ein dokumentarisches Gedankenexperiment
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[A few months ago, I did receive by ordinary mail a CD-ROM
containing a book which I think worth of attention. For this reason I decided
to give the possibility to other readers to have it. UB, June 2004]
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[Here it is the letter which I found together with the CDROM.]
G. O. Mueller
Dezember 2003
Mr. Umberto Bartocci
Dipartimento di Matematica
Via Vanvitelli, 1
1-06100 PERUGIA
REF: Our documentation on CDROM:
G. O. Mueller:
Uber die absolute GroBe der Speziellen Relativitatstheorie.
Ein dokumentarisches Gedankenexperiment.
Textversion 1.1. - 1005 Seiten.
Unverkaufliche CD-Privatkopie in numerierten Exemplaren.
2002. Beilage: Information, 3 pages.
(1) Copy no. 248
(2) First research report about our project: SRT-Forschungsbericht
"95 Jahre Kritik der Speziellen Relativitatstheorie (1908-2003)"
November 2003. 11 pages.
Dear Mr. Bartocci,
we herewith send you a numbered copy of our privately produced CDROM with the text of our documentation about the criticism of the special theory of relativity.
The documentation is written in German and has been generated and produced in the Federal Republic of Germany. The purpose of our research project is to start a free and public international discussion on the special theory of relativity. Since the persons and publications critical of the theory in the Western countries have been suppressed and calumniated since 1922 as stupid or antisemitic by academic physics until today we prefer to remain anonymous until the freedom of science and research in theoretical physics will have been reestablished in the European countries. Moreover we don't wish to give the relativists a chance to deviate the discussion about the criticism of relativity from the theory to the critics' persons - which is their favoured strategy since 1922.
In Germany today our "Grundgesetz" since 1949 guarantees the freedom of science and research - but this fundamental right practically has been abolished for theoretical physics.
The abolition of the freedom of research and academic teaching in theoretical physics has happened not only in Germany since 1922 but more or less in all Western countries at different periods - and, remarkably, strange and unlikely as it sounds, nobody in the sciences and the history of sciences and no investigative journal or journalist seems to have noticed anything about it for 80 years until today! We think we can claim to have discovered and brought to the public attention a mystery of the history of science on an international scale.
Therefore we have started the project of documentation of all criticism of the two theories of relativity since the beginning in 1905 until today, originating from all countries and written in all languages. The enclosed version 1.1 is the first printout of only a first portion of about 2900 units of documentation in a very preliminary phase of the project but already useful for the public because for the first time the public and the academic research receive an information which until now has been successfully hidden through the ingenious manipulations by the scientific community.
If we succeed to start a free and public discussion on an international scale, relativistic physics will have the chance to answer the criticism - the sheer existence of which has been denied by the physicists and therefore never has been answered - and to explain why for 80 years they have suppressed and calumniated the persons and the publications which have dared to criticize.
The first research report about our project
"95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003)"
shows our activities directed towards starting a public and free discussion about the situation of theoretical physics and especially about the epistemological und experimental status of special relativity. The distribution of our documentation - as shown on pages 4-7 of our report - makes sure that a relevant portion of the public opinion, the decisive institutions, media and eminent single persons in Germany have been informed about the abolition of freedom of research and teaching in theoretical physics since 1922. Thus from now on nobody of our addressees in Germany can claim having no idea of these facts and disclaim any responsability for the continuance of this situation.
We think the critical reasoning about the theory has produced very good results, as we try to document, but the denying of freedom of science and research as the only strategy of the relativists to maintain the prospect of their theory has not sufficiently been brought to the public attention. Therefore we try to break the public silence. Our research report shows the distribution of our documentation to libraries, news media, political institutions and scientific institutes, personalities of public standing.
Until now no publisher in Germany has been interested in the text version 1.1 of our documentation. Since we don't wish any loss of time in the dissemination of the text we invite all interested persons to copy the CD-ROM und make printouts of the version 1.1 for no-profit purposes without limitations.
We have decided to remain in anonymity: therefore we don't see any possibility to establish an - anonymous - web-page. But nonetheless we would like version 1.1 of our documentation to be distributed on the internet if anyone feels convinced that it would be worthwhile to do so.
We don't need to explain why we present our documentation to you and your colleagues.
There is no way of material transfer to our research group.
Without personal signature, but nonetheless with the best wishes for your activities and te with kindest regards.
* * * * *
Information about the CDROM not for sale:
G. O. Mueller: Relativitätstheorie.
Copyright 2002 by G. O. Mueller.
Production: June 2002.
The CDROM contains the data files for the private printing of the following book:
G. O. Mueller
Über die absolute Größe der Speziellen
Ein dokumentarisches Gedankenexperiment.
Textversion 1.1.
März 2002 - Copyright 2002 by G. O. Mueller
Data file type
The data files have the PDF-format of the program ADOBE ACROBAT 5.0 and can be opened with the ADOBE program ACROBAT READER.
The file BUCH.PDF contains the complete text of the book.
KAP5.PDF, KAP6.PDF, KAP7.PDF, KAP8.PDF contain each one chapter of the book; together they represent the complete text as does the file BUCH.PDF.
The book manuscript not for sale and protected by copyright law. The manuscript has been deposited at the Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt in München and at the Manuscript Department of the Deutsche Bibliothek in Frankfurt am Main.
The CDROM-version of the manuscript as well is a copy not for sale and will be delivered to a number of selected persons and institutions. The addressees are entitled to the personal use of the CD, to copy the CD for personal purposes and to forward copies to other persons for scientific use.
Libraries receive the CDROM for general public use according to their local regulations. The libraries are entitled to produce complete printouts of the book and to incorporate them into their holdings for general public use.
State of distribution of the manuscript as private printing
Several libraries in Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, and Great Britain have received the manuscript as private printing as a gift for general public use. Indication of the library holdings will be given in the respective national or regional union catalogues.
June 2002 G. O. M.
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Informationen zur unverkäuflichen CDROM:
G. O. Mueller: Relativitätstheorie
Copyright 2002 by G. O. Mueller
Herstellung: Juni 2002.
Die CDROM enthält die Textdateien des Privatdrucks des folgenden Buches:
G. O. Mueller
Über die absolute Größe der Speziellen
Ein dokumentarisches Gedankenexperiment.
Textversion 1.1
März 2002 - Copyright 2002 by G. O. Mueller
Die Dateien liegen im Format PDF des Programms ADOBE ACROBAT 5.0 vor und können mit dem ADOBE-Programm ACROBAT READER 5.0 angezeigt werden.
Die Datei BUCH.PDF enthält den vollständigen Text des Buches.
KAP5.PDF, KAP6.PDF, KAP7.PDF, KAP8.PDF enthalten jeweils ein Kapitel des Buches, insgesamt den vollständigen Text wie die Datei BUCH.PDF.
Weitergabe und Kopie der CDROM
Die CDROM enthält ein unverkäufliches Buchmanuskript, das durch Urheberrecht geschützt ist. Das Manuskript ist bei der Urheberrolle im Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt in München und in der Handschriftenabteilung der Deutschen Bibliothek, Frankfurt a. M. hinterlegt.
Auch die CDROM-Version des Manuskripts ist eine unverkäufliche Vervielfältigung und wird einem Kreis von ausgewählten Adressen zugestellt. Die Empfänger haben das Recht zur persönlichen Nutzung, zur Herstellung von Kopien der CDROM für ihre persönlichen Zwecke und zur Weitergabe von Kopien der CDROM zur Nutzung für wissenschaftliche Zwecke.
Bibliotheken erhalten die unverkäufliche CDROM vom Urheber zur allgemeinen Benutzung im Rahmen ihrer lokalen Benutzungsordnungen. Die Bibliotheken erhalten das Recht, vollständige Ausdrucke des Buches herzustellen und in ihren Bestand zur allgemeinen Benutzung aufzunehmen.
Bisherige Verbreitung des Manuskripts in Buchform
Einige Bibliotheken in Deutschland, Österreich, Italien, Schweiz, Frankreich und Großbritannien haben das Manuskript als Privatdruck zum Geschenk für die allgemeine Benutzung erhalten. Der Nachweis der Exemplare wird in Deutschland in den Verbundkatalogen der Bibliotheksverbünde erfolgen.
Juni 2002 G. O. M.