2 - Maurizio Michelini

Un test fondamentale per la teoria della gravitazione


Un test fondamentale per la teoria della gravitazione
(versione html)

Un test fondamentale per la teoria della gravitazione
(versione pdf)

Altri link ad articoli del Dott. Michelini:

(The cosmic quanta paradigm fulfils the relativistic mechanics, improves the gravitation theory and originates the nuclear forces)
(A fundamental test for physics: the galactic supermassive obscure bodies)
(The Physical Reality Underlying the Relativistic Mechanics and the Gravitational Interaction )

La Relatività Generale è messa in seria difficoltà dalle recenti osservazioni al centro delle galassie a spirale di masse oscure i cui effetti gravitazionali sulle stelle circostanti sono pari ad alcuni milioni di volte quelli prodotti dalla massa solare.
 ... Recentemente è stato proposto [14] un nuovo paradigma fisico costituito da un flusso omogeneo di quanti con lunghezza d'onda lamba-0 pari a circa 4x10 -35 (lunghezza di Planck), responsabili della elevata densità di energia dello spazio "vuoto". I quanti cosmici hanno questo nome perché pervadono l'universo penetrando attraverso le masse degli ordinari corpi celesti.

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(19th January 2009)

We are grateful to Dr. Maurizio Michelini for making at disposal of our readers his following new very interesting paper.

A Flux of Micro Quanta Explains Relativistic Mechanics
and the Gravitational Interaction

(pdf file)

In the proposed paradigm the space is filled with a very high flux Phi o of very small quanta whose wavelength lambda 0 results equal to the Planck's length. Since their energy E 0 = h 0 nu 0 is very small, the relevant quantum constant h 0 is enormously smaller than the usual Planck's constant. Any particle shows a little Compton's cross section sigma i =A 0 m i proportional to its mass, so these quanta freely travel in space along large distances (cosmic quanta). Colliding with matter the quanta impose the principles of conservation of energy and momentum, as well as the laws of relativistic mechanics and related inertial forces. The strong equivalence principle, in the version stating that both inertia and gravitation come from a single phenomenon, becomes the relevant test to verify the physical reality of the cosmic quanta i.e. their capacity to explain the gravitational interaction. The quanta colliding with two masses give up a little momentum (E 0 -E 1 )/c which produces a newtonian force pushing the masses each towards the other. The quantity G = K 0 Phi 0 E 0 A 0 2 /4pi c depends on the quanta characteristics, so the Newton's gravitational mass no longer holds. However the most interesting feature is that the new gravitational force depends also on the quantum energy. For instance a mass facing a very dense star, where the quanta undergo n collisions, receives weakened quanta of energy E n < E 1 < E 0 which give the mass the momentum (E 0 -E n )/c >> (E 0 -E 1 )/c. This fact increases the newtonian G by the gravity factor (n/a) >= 1 depending on the star mass and density. For instance the gravity factor reaches numbers of 200-300 in the case of neutron stars, incrementing notably their accretion capacity. This property may explain, in particular, the mystery of the obscure galactic supermassive bodies whose gravitational effects have been observed to rise up to 3.7x10 6 times the Sun effects. Current gravitational theories are unable to give a convincing explanation of this phenomenon.


(This paper has been published in Apeiron , Vol. 14, No. 2, April 2007)

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(16th November 2008)

We are proud to present a new paper of Dr. Maurizio Michelini, a continuation of the previous one.

The Common Physical Origin
of the Gravitational, Strong and Weak Forces
(pdf file)

Particles moving within the flux of micro-quanta filling the space have been shown to obey the Relativistic Mechanics and to undergo a gravitational "pushing" force with G depending locally on the quantum flux constants. Due to the very little quantum energy E o , the ratio E o / mc 2 equals about 10-50 so the collisions with particles follow the optical reflection accurately. The simultaneous micro-quanta hitting upon a nucleon are about 1050, a high number due to the small wavelength which results close to Planck's length. Along the joining line between two particles there is a lack of incident quanta (missing beam) which determines unbalanced collisions generating drawing forces between particles by mutual screening. These forces increment the particle energy, as shown for instance by the heating during the gravitational contraction of the galactic gas globules leading to protostars. This mechanism allows to predict that observations of the thermal emission from major solar planets may exceed the power received from solar light. When two particles are very close, the mutual screening highly increments the missing beam, giving rise to a short-range strong force which is of the right strength to hold protons and neutrons within the atomic nuclei. The belief that nuclear forces are "self-produced" by nucleons is disproved. Proof is given for the structure of the simple Deuterium nucleus. The same process originates also a short-range "weak" force on the electron closely orbiting a proton, giving rise to the neutron structure which undergoes beta -   decay. The mutual strong forces on a nucleon pair are equal, but the weak force on the bound electron differs largely from the force on the proton (breakdown of Newton's action and reaction symmetry).

(This paper has been published in Apeiron , Vol. 15, No. 4, October 2008)

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2 dicembre 2009: Siamo lieti di presentare un nuovo importante articolo di Maurizio Michelini (che sarà presto pubblicato su Progress in Physics ), in cui si torna sul tema della pushing gravity introducendo il nuovo concetto di potenza gravitazionale .

Major gravitational phenomena explained by the Micro-quanta paradigm
(pdf file)

Some major problems of physics, which remained unsolved within classical and relativistic gravitation theories, are explained adopting the quantum gravity interaction descending from the micro-quanta paradigm. The energy source of the gravitational power P gr , which heats and contracts the Bok's gas globules harbouring the future stars, is identified and defined as well as the gravitational power generated on the solid/fluid planets. Calculations are carried out to make the comparison between P gr predicted for the solar giant planets and the measured infrared radiation power P int coming from the interior. The case of planets with solid crust (Earth, etc.) requires a particular attention due to the threat to stability produced by the thermal dilatation. An analysis is done of the Earth's planetary equilibrium which may be attained eliminating the temperature rise through the migration of hot internal magma across the crust fractured by earthquakes. The temperatures observed up to 420,000 years ago in Antartica through Vostok and Epica ice cores suggest the possibility that the Earth gravitational power P gr may be radiated in space through these temperature cycles (Glacial Eras). In this general frame the Earth's high seismicity and the dynamics of Plate tectonics may find their origin.

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28 aprile 2011: Siamo lieti di poter presentare un nuovo articolo su questo nuovo interessante punto di vista, tratto da Applied Physics Research (Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2010).

Physical Phenomena and Theoretical Problems
Explained by the Micro-Quanta Paradigm

The physical research deals mostly with intriguing problems which appear beyond the current physics. But sometimes they are not well established on theoretical and observational basis. There is however several already observed phenomena that are really beyond the current physics and wait for a rational explanation depending on new physical paradigms. For instance, the source of energy heating the galactic cold clouds and QSO, the excess infrared emission from planets, the planetary geophysical evolution and the cosmological evolution in nearly static universe. From the pure theoretical side there are good theories, as Special relativity that kept a "mysterious" character due to the persistent lack of interpretation within some physical paradigm. Considering the micro-quanta collisions with particles through the relativistic Doppler effect, some theoretical problems find solution, as the origin of particle mass, the origin of inertial forces, etc. New physical concepts arise from this paradigm, for instance the pushing gravitation that shows the basis for the unification of fundamental forces. Some old concepts hidden in our mind, as the Newton's "gravitational mass", hindered the gravitational research in the last century. For instance the incorporation of the Newton's constant G in General relativity theory guided the theoretical research towards some blind alleys, as the unlimited gravitational collapse (black holes), the Big bang model, the dark energy, etc.
