(Soft Watch at the Moment of First Explosion
Salvador Dalì, 1954)


Physis e Sophia nel III millennio/Physis and Sophia in the III millennium

An International Journal of Science, History and Philosophy

N. 6 - 21 dicembre 2002 / 21st Dec. 2002


[La diffusione via Internet di sezioni della rivista avviene prima della data indicata - Sections of Episteme are available in Internet even before the previous date]

Parte II


- Avvertenza dell'Editore ai lettori/A Letter from the Editor to the Readers

- Lista di lavori sull'etere reperibili in rete/Alternative Physics On Line

- Call for papers: Has the last word been said on classical electrodynamics?

1 - Umberto Bartocci: Looking for Special Relativity's Possible Experimental Falsifications

[Click here if you want to get the file of this paper in doc format, for Microsoft Word 97]

2 - Christopher Jon Bjerknes: S. Tolver Preston's Explosive Idea - E = mc2 and the Huyghens-Leibnitz Mass/Energy Identity as a Heuristic Principle in the Nineteenth Century

3 -         "            "           "      : Einstein's Irrational Ontology of Redundancy - The Special Theory of Relativity and Its Many Fallacies of Petitio Principii

4 - Alberto Bolognesi: La nuova teoria del cielo - La cosmologia osservativa di Halton Arp

[Vedi anche il contributo di Bolognesi, con successiva discussione, nella sezione "Commenti ricevuti", I Parte di questo stesso numero di Episteme]

5 - George Galeczki: Beyond Maxwell-Lorentz Electrodynamics

6 - Delbert J. Larson: The State of Experimental Evidence for Length Contraction, 2002

[Click here if you want to get the file of this paper in doc format, for Microsoft Word 97 - Figures will look quite better...]

Dr. Larson's new e-mail address (since 24th, Jan., 2003): delbert7@mail.ev1.net

7 -       "                "     : The Most General Fundamental Failures of Modern Physics

8 - Emidio Laureti: Le basi sperimentali della propulsione non Newtoniana

9 - Rocco Vittorio Macrì: Neopitagorismo e Relatività

[Si clicchi qui se si vuole ottenere il file dell'articolo in formato pdf]

10 - Jaroslaw Mrozek: Did Einstein Claim That Nature Has Mathematical Structure?

11 - Francisco J. Müller: The Problem of Reciprocity and Non-Reciprocity in Relativity Theory

12 - Vladimir Onoochin: On the Impossibility to Describe the Fields of the System of Uniformly Moving Charges in the Frame of Special Relativity

13 - Sabato Scala: Simmetrizzazione delle equazioni di Maxwell con l'introduzione del campo gravitazionale, un'idea bizzarra?

Errata Corrige (3.X.003)

14 - Gianfranco Spavieri, Miguel Rodríguez, Edgar Moreno: Recent Developments in the Relativistic Electrodynamics Controversy

[Click here if you want to get the file of this paper in doc format, for Microsoft Word 97]

15 - Tuomo Suntola: Dynamic Space Converts Relativity Into Absolute Time and Distance

[Click here if you want to get the file of this paper in doc format, for Microsoft Word 97]

16 - Paramahamsa Tewari: Nature of Energy, Light, and Einstein's Light Principle in Special Theory of Relativity

[Click here if you want to get the file of this paper in doc format, for Microsoft Word 97]

17 -          "                      "   : On the Space-Vortex Structure of Cosmic Bodies

18 - Theo Theocharis: Louis T. More, Prophet of the 20th Century

19 -      "             "       : Ultimate Creative Ignorance

20 - Tom Van Flandern: What the Global Positioning System Tells Us about the Twin's Paradox


Emilio Almansi: Sulle attrazioni newtoniane di origine idrodinamica

Stefan Marinov: Annus Horribilis - (The Story of) A Payed Advertisement Published by Nature

N. Moisseiev: Intorno alla legge di resistenza al moto dei corpi in un mezzo pulviscolare

Carl A. Zapffe: Exodus of Einstein's Special Theory in Seven Simple Steps


Christopher Jon Bjerknes: Albert Einstein, The Incorrigible Plagiarist
(Thomas E. Phipps, Jr., from Infinite Energy Magazine, N. 47, 6 October, 2002)
(A brand new Appendix to the book: A Short History of the Concept of Relative Simultaneity in the Special Theory of Relativity)

Franco Selleri (a cura di): La natura del tempo (Propagazioni super-luminali - Paradosso dei gemelli - Teletrasporto)